Rev. Shirley B. Ellis,
Lead Pastor
Work: 860-884-5758
Email: tag.church@yahoo.com
Pastor Shirley has been in love with Jesus for most of her life!
Born in Hartford, CT she settled in Colchester in 1974 where she still resides with her husband Rick and son Philip.
She left a very successful 30-year career at Pratt and Whitney in 2004 to pursue her real calling; to serve Jesus Christ with all her heart!.
She served in her home church for over 34 years in a variety of ministries and during that time became an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God. Her passion and motivation to see souls saved is what drives her. She has traveld to 5 countries on short term missions trips preaching the gopsel, helping orphans and working with medical teams (this is a picture of her in the mountains of Haiti)
Now her most recent journey and calling is to serve in the US mission field and plant a church in Montville Conn, so that others would have the opportunity to expereince a saving relationship with Jesus Christ!
Her heart is to train disciples (according to the Word of God) and to lead people to a place where they can experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. She beleives that God wants to set people free from bondages, struggles and sin that prevents them from living a life full of the joy of the Lord! God has a specific purpose for each life and she desires to assist people with finding it and living it. Her desire is not to grow “her” church but to build up the body of Christ. People need Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives not a religion made by man. Her motto is “Prayer, brings God’s Presence which brings God’s Power which brings People to a place of salvation and victory!”